
We at ACG believe in helping others and advocating for clients’ causes. On behalf of our clients, ACG aims to bring change, whether it’s through public awareness, offering support, contracting advocacy services, or influencing policies for a particular issue when it’s aligned with their goals  and values.  ACG can create partnerships with experienced professionals that can help you gain important information and give guidance to move your agendas forward.

As an advocate, we offer independent support to our clients so they can better express their views, thoughts, and concerns and ultimately achieve their goals.

ACG always strives to be a good listener; be supportive; have all the necessary information; and be a good representative.   As we work on behalf of an individual, group or an organization, ACG will use thoughtful communication, helpful collaboration, and clear presentation while maintaining a professional partnership.  We will fully understand the sensitivities and complexities of an issue, and will always maintain strict confidentiality while representing our clients interests.

Myrtle Beach Consulting Firm